
Arigoo Dashboard
is one of the
latest tools
from Arigoo to
complement the
Arigoo Flowtrix
system. It is
geared towards
users who desire
to view every
detail in their
organization in
one single view.
Encompassing a
variety of
views, controls
and charting
components and
Arigoo Dashboard
presents a
detail-rich view
of your entire
enterprise that
you can
customize to
your every whim.
Arigoo Dashboard
2007 is also
based on
Microsoft (R)
Ajax technology,
which makes it
one of the most
and dynamic
dashboards in
the market.
Microsoft (R)
Ajax technology
also enables the
Dashboard to
refresh itself
periodically to
show you the
latest data at
any time.
Click Here to
view the full
list of
Arigoo Dashboard