Take an enterprise-wide e-Leave system for example. Often, an employee’s leave is tied to the payroll so that the enterprise can manage various kinds of leave like no-pay leave and maternity leave. Through the Flowtrix SAP connector, the Flowtrix platform allows you to access the information stored in SAP effortlessly. Thus your business applications can now function as a complete end-to-end business process solution, rather than silos of sub-systems with proprietary interfaces for integration.
Leverage on a single platform to power all your business applications. Flowtrix can interface with SAP through the Flowtrix SAP connector and the designers will be able to use the familiar Flowtrix interface to connect to SAP.
Utilize Flowtrix’s Business Rule Engine to surface SAP information in Flowtrix's e-Forms and Workflows. As the BRE is integrated with Flowtrix Designer tool, process designers can leverage on the wizards and helpers built-in to the BRE expression editor to build the necessary scripts for data extraction from SAP. The process designer can thus control exactly when and where to surface information from SAP as well as to use SAP information in the workflow itself.